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HMP35A Sonde de température et HR
Services disponibles
Réparation No
Etalonnage Oui
Support gratuit No


The HMP35A Temperature and RH probe was replaced with the HMP35C; the HMP35C was eventually replaced with the HMP45C-L. Initially, the HMP35A was Vaisala's production line model that had a Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT) for measuring temperature and a HUMICAP-H sensor for measuring relative humidity. It required continuous 12 V power; no switching circuit was included.

Campbell Scientific eventually modified the HMP35A to include a 107 for measuring temperature. For about a month, Campbell Scientific continued to call the modified probe, the HMP35A. Eventually, Campbell Scientific renamed the modified probe the HMP35C.



Veuillez noter : Ce qui suit montre des informations de compatibilité générales. Ce n'est pas une liste complète de tous les produits compatibles.

Centrale de mesure

Produits Compatibilité Note
CR5000 (obsolète)