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HMP45C-ET Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
Services disponibles
Réparation No
Etalonnage No
Support gratuit No


For this version of the HMP45C Temperature and RH Probe, the cable terminates in a connector and is the ideal length for attachment to the ET106 ETo Weather Station. The probe uses a HUMICAP capacitive polymer H chip to measure relative humidity over the 0 to 100% RH range. A PRT measures temperature over the -40° to +60°C range.

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Avantages et caractéristiques

  • Bien adapté pour les applications à long terme, sans surveillance
  • Précis et robuste
  • Configured for use with the ET106 Weather Station


Description technique

For this version of the HMP45C Temperature and RH Probe, the cable terminates in a connector and is the ideal length for attachment to the ET106 ETo Weather Station. The probe uses a HUMICAP capacitive polymer H chip to measure relative humidity over the 0 to 100% RH range. A PRT measures temperature over the -40° to +60°C range.


This sensor is compatible with the ET106 and ET101 (retired).