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Cette mise à jour permet de mettre à niveau une version antérieure de LoggerNet Data vers la version actuelle.

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Avantages et caractéristiques

  • Mise à jour de version antérieure à la version actuelle pour un prix réduit

Description technique

LoggerNetData/U permet à l'utilisateur ayant une ancienne version de la mettre à jour pour la version la plus récente.


  • Requires a licensed copy of LoggerNet running on a PC.
  • Runs on Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), Vista, or XP


  • Requiert une licence de LoggerNet fonctionnant sur un PC.
  • Fonctionne sur Windows Vista, XP ou 7.


Nombre de FAQ au sujet de(s) LOGGERNETDATA/U: 3

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  1. The data cache of LoggerNet running on the same machine is available. Specify the LoggerNet server on the same machine as Localhost, rather than entering a remote IP address.

  2. No. However, it is possible to save data to a mapped drive on a Linux server from LoggerNetData running on a Windows machine.

  3. LoggerNet doesn’t know which tables are available in mixed-array dataloggers unless the program is identified by associating it. If no tables show up in the Data Filer table selection window, check that there is a program associated with the datalogger in LoggerNet. This can be done on the Program tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen. Also, verify these two things:

    1. Scheduled collection is enabled (on the Schedule tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen).
    2. FS Area 1 is enabled (and FS Area2 if memory is being specifically allocated to it) for collection. This information is found on the respective tabs in the LoggerNet Setup Screen.