Le nouvelle OS de la CR200X est arrivé.
Il s'agit de la version 4.0
N'hésitez pas à le télécharger ici.
Petit rappel pour installer un nouvel OS (Vous pourrez retrouver cette decription dans Device configuration utility 2.10)
You can download a new operating system into a CR200 Series datalogger. Doing this will reset all of the memory in the datalogger and result in a loss of all of the settings and data for that datalogger.
1. Connect the RS-232 port on the datalogger to a serial port on your computer.
2. Make sure that power is disconnected from the datalogger.
3. Make sure that the appropriate serial port is selected in the left panel and click on the Start button below.
4. Select the operating system image to send to the device in the resulting file open dialogue.
5. If you are running the device configuration utility from inside LoggerNet, PC200W, PC400, or RTDaq, the program will show an Avoid Conflicts with the Local Server dialogue that will allow you to temporarily disable communications on the specified port while the device configuration utility uses that port. Press OK to perform this operation or Bypass to proceed without adjusting the host application.
6. Apply power to the device.
7. The operating system will now be sent to the datalogger. You should allow this to run to completion. Cancelling the operation can leave the datalogger without a valid operating system to run.
8. Once the operating system has been sent to the datalogger, its program will be cleared and all of its settings will be reset to their default values. If the datalogger was previously set up, you will need to connect to it and edit its settings to restore the previous set-up.
9. Once the OS has been sent to the datalogger, if you desire to remove power from the datalogger, you must wait at least 10 seconds before doing so. This will give the datalogger the time that it needs to update flash memory locations.