Communications / Radios à étalement de spectre
Radios à étalement de spectre

Liste de produits

Gamme de fréquence



863 à 870 MHz



EMEA (Europe, Moyen Orient et Afrique)



  • -Note : la distance de transmission suppose une ligne de visée et une antenne appropriée. Les obstructions de la ligne de visée, les interférences RF et le type d'antenne affecteront la distance de transmission.
  • Jusqu'à 5 km selon l'antenne et la ligne de visée


2.450 à 2.482 GHz Tout pays où les communications Wi-Fi à 2,4 GHz sont autorisées 0,4 km with omnidirectional antenna (outdoors); up to 0.8 km (0.5 mi) with higher-gain directional antennas at ideal conditions


2.450 à 2.482 GHz


902 to 928 MHz US, Canada
  • -Note- Transmission distance assumes line-of-sight and appropriate antenna. Line-of-sight obstructions, RF interference, and antenna type will affect transmission distance.
  • Up to 1.61 km (1 mi) with omnidirectional antenna; up to 16.09 km (10) mi with higher-gain directional antennas at ideal conditions


902 to 928 MHz US, Canada, Australia
  • -Note- Transmission distance assumes line-of-sight and appropriate antenna. Line-of-sight obstructions, RF interference, and antenna type will affect transmission distance.
  • 20.92 to 96.56 km (13 to 60 mi) depending on antenna and line-of-sight

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Gamme de fréquence Pays Distance de transmission



Nombre de FAQ au sujet de(s) Radios à étalement de spectre: 5

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  1. No. A spread-spectrum radio, like all FCC Part 15 devices, is not allowed to cause harmful interferences to licensed radio communications and must accept any interference that it receives. 

  2. No. Removing the interference will remove the radio signal. The radio, like all FCC Part 15 devices, is not allowed to cause harmful interferences to licensed radio communications and must accept any interference that it receives.

  3. Yes. Two spread-spectrum radios can be used to connect two computers.

  4. Spread-spectrum radios work by frequency hopping and transmitting at discrete frequencies over part of the unlicensed band, rather than by transmitting over a very wide part of the spectrum as some other devices do.